Getting Started with Impact Investing

No matter if you are just starting as an impact investor or are looking to improve existing efforts, we can help. We work with you to develop a comprehensive impact strategy that is right for your organization and complements your existing investment processes.

What is the difference between an impact investment and those screened for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues? How do I integrate my existing ESG processes into my impact fund?

ESG and impact investing are sometimes used interchangeably. However, we believe they are two complementary but distinct approaches. ESG criteria set baseline standards to evaluate companies’ footprints for high social, environmental, or governance risk. As such, all investors can incorporate ESG considerations into their impact measurement and management practices. Impact investors go a step further into understanding the social and environmental impact of companies’ product and service portfolios, and only invest in businesses where these core offerings create positive impact.

What returns should I expect from an impact investment?

Impact investments can target a range of returns from market rate to partial capital preservation. We have worked with several leading global investors who successfully achieve both market-leading returns and social impact. In fact, most impact investors surveyed in the GIIN 2019 Annual Impact Investor Survey pursued (and met) competitive, market-rate returns. For more on work with more impact investors who actively seek to be more catalytic or flexible and long term in their pursuit of social and financial returns please visit The Bridgespan Group.

How do I decide on the impact goals for my fund?

We’ll collaborate with you to assess parameters such as areas of unmet social need, the values of your investors, expertise in particular sectors and/or geographies, and the differentiated investing expertise and approach of your team. The relative importance of these parameters may vary by type of fund—family offices may prioritize values while crafting impact goals, whereas institutional investors are more likely to prioritize sector-specific expertise. We work with you to create impact goals based on your specific needs.

How do I think about team building and hiring needs for an impact fund?

Successful impact funds require diverse expertise encompassing financial and quantitative skills and sector-specific knowledge as well as consulting, legal, and auditing support. There isn’t a single model, however, that is right for every impact fund:

  • Most funds hire analysts with financial acumen and layer on impact capabilities by training analysts in impact or by hiring impact specialists.
  • Some funds choose to build in-house impact capabilities, while others outsource for specific expertise.

We can help you identify the best model and consider the tradeoffs of different approaches.

How should I talk about my impact strategy to prospective limited partners (LPs)?

If you are a private investor looking to launch a new impact fund, prospective LPs will assess your credibility in finding and managing investments that deliver measurable social impact, and will seek to understand how a new fund would differ from any existing non-impact funds. We can help you clearly articulate your impact strategy and impact underwriting approach for use in all communications with prospective LPs. Alternatively, if you are a first-time private investor or manager, prospective LPs would be looking to understand and assess your investing credibility and track record (in addition to your impact credibility).

More Articles To Read

For Outsized Impact, Investors Should Look to Africa

For institutional impact investors, Africa is the new frontier.  Rich in economic potential, the continent also offers fertile soil for investors interested in seeing their capital put to use addressing social and environmental challenges such as climate change, economic disparities, and gender inequality. And, thanks to new approaches to impact, measurement, and management pioneered in Africa, such investors can now measure the difference they’re making in the world with a precision once reserved for financial returns.  

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Opportunities for Impact Investors Interested in Africa

A companion guide “For Outsized Impact, Investors Should Look to Africa,” these lists can help investors find investment funds and opportunities in Africa and learn effective practices in the region. The lists include african fund managers where institutional investors can invest through African funds that are catalyzing outsized impact and focused on delivering commercial returns as well as global funders and regional industry groups where institutional investors can learn effective practices from organizations with experience in the region. The lists are non-exhaustive, and much of the information is from the organizations’ website. We encourage you to do additional research to identify other proximate players doing remarkable work in this space.

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Capricorn Investment Group

Capricorn’s Sustainable Investors Fund makes early-stage investments in innovative asset-management firms to help propel their work on environmental and social issues.

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